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Pendapatan Venteny Meningkat 22 Persen Menjadi Rp39,6 Miliar di Kuartal Pertama 2024

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Jakarta – PT Venteny Fortuna International Tbk (VTNY) or VENTENY has reported its financial performance in the first quarter of 2024, recording revenue of Rp39.6 billion, a 22 percent increase compared to the same period last year.

Founder and Group CEO of VENTENY, Jun Waide, stated that the business to business (B2B) Financial Service remains the largest contributor to VENTENY’s revenue, amounting to Rp25.1 billion.

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“This is in line with the Company’s focus on increasing financial inclusivity for MSMEs, especially those in Indonesia,” Jun said in a statement in Jakarta on May 6, 2024.

Furthermore, VENTENY, which is a technology issuer providing a combination of growth funding for MSMEs and employee benefits, has also disbursed productive funding worth Rp1.5 trillion throughout 2023 for business players and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to meet their financial needs.

On the other hand, VENTENY’s Group CFO, Lie Kienata, added that another factor contributing to VENTENY’s positive performance is the technology developed by VENTENY to digitalize the business system of MSMEs.

“This can be seen from the significant increase in revenue from the sale of IT product development, contributing Rp7.6 billion in the first quarter of 2024, a 117 percent growth from the same period last year,” Lie said in the same occasion.

Furthermore, the VENTENY Employee Super App as a B2B2E service also contributed revenue of Rp6.9 billion in the first quarter of 2024.

As a result, with this achievement, VENTENY managed to record a 66 percent increase in net profit to Rp5.6 billion in the first three months of 2024.

In the future, VENTENY will continue to commit to providing innovative and sustainable financial solutions to bridge the financing gap and meet the changing market demands to improve the welfare of employees for a stronger Indonesia. (*)

Editor: Galih Pratama

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